Blouses in Bloom – Centenary exhibition in Copenhagen, Denmark

Blouses in Bloom - Centenary exhibition in Copenhagen, Denmark

The famous Romanian Blouse, Blouses in Bloom

 On the occasion of the Romanian Centennial celebration, on 15 May 2018, the Embassy of Romania in Denmark was the host of a vibrant event on the Romanian cultural and spiritual heritage, with a focus on the famous Romanian Blouse. The venue was at Islands Brygge Copenhagen.

Our guests for the evening were Cristina Chiriac, founder of the Romanian brand Flori de ie/Blouses in Bloom, photographer Alexandru Emanuel Zainea and Inge Sølling, Danish expert in folk art.


The highlight of the event was an original fashion parade of both centenary costumes and modern attire, showcasing the Romanian blouse in combination with original pieces of clothing especially created for this event, in Denmark's colours of red and white. During the show, the past and the present intertwined on Romanian musical accords, giving us a better knowledge about Romania, its traditions and treasures.


The international audience of almost 200 guests, representatives of the diplomatic corps, local media, business, academia and culture, prestigious Danish institutions and organizations, as well and the Romanian community, could admire also on display the valuable collection of costumes and photographs, part of the Centenary Romania project, initiated by Cristina Chiriac and Emanuel Zainea.


A group of Romanian musicians, composed by Felicia Greciuc, Bogdan Nicola and Andrei Venczel, completed the authentic Romanian atmosphere of the event through the exceptional interpretation of some of the most popular songs in the Romanian folklore.


Blouses in Bloom managed to convey a strong message about the Romanian culture, art and traditions, part of an invaluable heritage of the Romanian people. At the same time, the enthusiasm and the intense desire of Romanians to promote their spiritual heritage abroad, as well as their love for the traditional Romanian attire, endangered in many other European countries, was noted.

Credits: HASSE FERROLD, FOUNDER & International "Ambassador" for ICC & NEWS-PROVIDER/ PRESS.

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